Germane Harris Dear Germane,
I still cannot believe this. My heart aches so bad right now. Man, you just don’t know. It’s amazing how here I was just talking to you a few days ago and now you are gone. I honestly don’t know where to start with this. I guess I want to say that you were much more than a friend to me, you were my best friend. We had so many fun times together. From sitting up on the phone all day and night, watching movies, eating shrimp, playing video games, cruising the city, riding the coast on your bike, to just chillin doing absolutely nothing at all like friends do. I’ll miss those special moments that are now memories. I’ll miss your smile. I don’t think I have ever seen a frown on your face come to think of it. If you didn’t have a smile on your face it’s cause you were too busy sucking your thumb. LOL (ol’ stank thumb). I’ll miss your hugs. God, I’ma really really miss those. You owned the hugging game hands down. Nobody knows how to embrace and lift me off the ground like you did. I’ll miss your motivation. You were the most motivated person I know. So driven and destined to be successful. And you were. You did any and everything you set your mind to. You never let anybody tell you “No“. I admired your ambition and strength so much. I’ll miss your advice. Whenever I had a problem I couldn’t understand you were who I turned to. You gave me so much direction and inspiration. You have changed my life many times and I don’t think I ever told you that. Thank you for being my friend. My heart breaks for your family, your daughter, your friends…anyone that knew you. Because I know that anyone that crossed paths with Germane Harris was blessed by an angel. Rather it be just for a moment or long term, they were blessed to have known you.Monika & Germane

We were best of friends for 8 years and I will carry you in my heart forever. I will never forget everything you have done for me. I only wish that we could continue to grow old together and live our lives happily. Now I don’t have to worry about you anymore. I know you are safe now. Germane, I love you. Until we meet again…I say goodbye but only in the flesh. Your spirit still surrounds me and you will never be forgotten. Rest In Peace Germane.

( P.S. I know you hate this picture of us LOL but it’s the only one I have of us without our eyes closed or something extra retarded..smh. You always knew how to mess up our pics. Yeah, I’m blaming you :hug: Much Love, “Bad Andy” )

(click here to read the article on Germane Harris’ death. If you know anything about this please contact the SFPD. We need to get these murderers off the streets.)

Just an emotional Piscean maniac trying to find her way to a nonexistent place. This is my sanctuary for my own personal thoughts and views on everything.
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14 Responses

  1. Oh honey I’m so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you and his family at this time. It’s crazy all the things that can happen to you when you are just going out making a legal living for you and your family. I hope justice can prevail but we aren’t working with much for the killing of a black man in most of our bias communities.

    This is why I tell my friends that life is to short, cherish it while you can because you never know when God is going to call someone home. :((

    keep your head up. I read the article and im still shaking my head. The senseless killing of a human.

  2. monika, i’m so sorry for your loss. it’s a damn shame that people who are out there trying to do what’s right are the ones that are most often the ones taken away the quickest.

  3. I came across this webpage by googling Germane. I am Germaine’s first cousin, and it burns me so much that someone would do something so “cruel and mean”, as to murder a person. What a heart-less, stupid act. WHY? Why do something so stupid!!

  4. Germaine was the sweetest person you could ever meet. This event has affected everyone, NOT just my immediate family. Germane has done so much for the community. It was hard enough 3 years ago to see my Aunbt Sharon go, know Germane.

  5. *LONG SIGH* Germane was a lifelong college friend of mine.. He’s been on a sista’s mind and I failed to follow up on my subconscious. I have not been able to function as it relates to work since i found out about an hour ago. Monika, my hearat goes out to you. Thank you for honoring my.. our brother in this manner. Take care my sista.. Barbara

  6. God has a plan. He has to or else he wouldn’t want Germane so soon. He was the best friend a woman/person could ever want. He was always available for the long phone calls or short gripes. He really was the best hugger in the world…. What a blessing for him to have the opportunity to get to know his daughter before he was called back to heaven. Now she can say she knew her father and not only that but he was a kind, gentle, loving, caring, masculine, handsome, friendly, funny goofball. He was a “buster” (and anyone who knows him knows that is a term of endearment). He was in my life for about 9 years and I don’t have one bad thing to say about him except he wouldn’t agree to be my husband when he turned 35…

    Germane we love you and you will always be alive in our hearts and our thoughts.

    Anytime I go to Toons I will think about you. anytime I see a street bike- you. Avalanche on 26’s (you punk)-you…. a good friend- you. A protector-you. A good man-you

    I love you and will miss you!

  7. Wow! I can’t do much but repeat what others have said. I really am sorry for your loss! I know what it’s like to have someone close swept away by death.

  8. I just found out about Germane wit a G (my name for him). We fell out a few years back but we crossed paths again and it was like I never stopped talking to him. If Shannon wouldn’t have found me I would not have known he passed. He had a big heart and a great smile…I don’t care what happen in our past, he will be greatly missed! Big hugs and kisses Germane wit a G


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